2022 Conference – ARCHIVE

2022 International Conference on Water, Food and Energy Security:

The Role of Science and Communities in Post War Reconstruction

July 4 – 6, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Venue: Sapphire Addis Hotel


The main goal of this conference is to create a platform for international and national expertise to highlight and share local and global experiences on natural resource management, water management, irrigation, flood control, drought management, energy and food production. In a changing climate and water, food and energy demands are increasing with growing population. There is an urgent need for immediate action to address these challenges to continue on a path of self-reliance with food production. Main thematic areas covered will include soil and water management, droughts and floods, irrigation, energy production, and food production. Additionally, sessions will be organized on the Nile River and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. As the conference is held in Ethiopia, sessions will be provided for conflict damage assessment, reconstruction, recovery, and resettlement efforts.  Speakers from academia, government, international and national organizations working on the above topics and related fields will be participating. Proceedings of the conference will be published from presented papers.

Best presentations award and certificate will be given for graduate students in the oral and poster categories


Abstract submission is CLOSED

Registration is CLOSED

Abstract submission acceptance April 30, 2022

Conference Co-organizers & Sponsors

Conference Collaborators

Children swimming in flood waters

Gully erosion and sedimentation