Welcome to the 2021 FIU EAS Conference
Watershed Processes in the face of Dynamic Landscapes and Climate Change!
November 22 – 23, 2021
The 2021 International Conference on Environment & Society (EAS) is hosted by the FIU Institute of Environment. The 2021 EAS conference will take place from November 22, 2021 to November 23, 2021 through a virtual setting.
Registration will be open from June 30, 2021 to November 22, 2021.
The main goal of this conference is to create a platform for international and national expertise to highlight and share local and global experiences on natural resources management, environmental degradation and climate change impacts and also discuss mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Abstract Submission Closed!
We value your participation in our first annual International Conference on Environment & Society! We thank those of you who have chosen to submit an abstract for presentation as part of the program.
The abstract submission deadline has now been closed! Abstracts were accepted until September 1, 2021.
We look forward to your continued involvement in the FIU Institute of Environment community.
Conference Details

*CLOSED* Abstract Submission Deadline: September 1, 2021
Abstract Acceptance Notification: September 15, 2021
Registration Opens: June 30, 2021
Early Bird Registration Deadline: August 15, 2021
Final Registration Deadline: November 22, 2021
Conference Format
This conference will be held on the Zoom virtual platform and will be conducted over a two-day period. The program will consist of virtual presentations and a poster session. The poster session will be held on the Gather Town virtual platform. All sessions will be recorded.
While we hope to keep registration fees lower than the cost for an in-person conference, there are still significant costs to planning and coordinating a virtual event. The conference does require a registration fee, but there are early-bird and other discounts available.
Conference Partners & Sponsors
