2022 Conference Thematic Areas
I. Natural Resources Management
- Soil Erosion Control Practices
- Deforestation/Afforestation
- Wetland and Lakes Management
- Fishery
- Aquatic Weeds
- Parks, Wildlife and Forests
- Water Quality (Lakes, Reservoirs, Rivers, Groundwater)
II. Water Management
- Hydro-meteorologic Monitoring and Database
- Water Management Organizations and Decision Making
- Climate Teleconnections and Hydro-climatic Forecast
- Water Management Structures
- Water Harvesting and Storage
- Reservoirs and sedimentation
- Water Quality
III. Irrigation and Food Production
- Small-Scale Irrigation and Food Production
- Medium-Scale Irrigation and Food Production
- Large-Scale Irrigation and Food Production
- Commercial Crop Production
- Agricultural Product Processing, Storage and Transport
- Irrigation and Soils
IV. Droughts and Floods
- Hydro Extremes Forecast and Risk Analysis
- Drought Monitoring and Management
- Flood Forecast and Mitigation
- Urban Flooding and Mitigation
V. Energy Production
- Hydroelectric Production
- Solar Energy
- Wind Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Biomass Energy and Solid Waste Management
VI. The Nile and GERD
- The Nile Basin and Water Sharing
- GERD Hydrology and Operation
- GERD Lake Management
- Ancillary Benefits of GERD (Fishery, tourism, ecological tourism, etc.)
- GERD Support International Groups
- Media Support for GERD
VII. Post War Reconstruction
- Human Losses and Social Impact
- Infrastructure Damage Estimate in Conflict Regions
- Water Sector Reconstruction Needs Assessment
- Food Insecurity Assessment
- Energy Sector Damage Assessment
- Economic Impact
- Agricultural Resources Damage Assessment
- Health Impact Assessment
- The Role of NGOs and Diaspora in Reconstruction